Fresh Films is coming to Central!

Image provided by Fresh Films The Fresh Films program has many different units, so you can join at many points during the year if you haven’t already.
October 4, 2021
Central has just partnered with Fresh Films starting today, October 4! However, it is not too late to join.
What exactly is Fresh Films? What exactly do they do?
Fresh Films creates films, TV shows and documentaries while training future filmmakers in all aspects of film. Youth collaborate on-set rotating through every film position – from camera and sound, to editing and effects – gaining technical and workplace skills.
If this sounds interesting to you, you might be interested in joining our program here at Central.
Central will be hosting Fresh Films where they will be giving film lessons. They will bring in real film crews to show you how movies are made. The types of films you will be producing include documentaries, music videos, movie scenes and more. In the process, you and everyone else will learn how to use cameras, lights, sound, editing software.
With weekly meetings, students will learn communication skills, time management and leadership skills. Everything about this program is free – meaning no cost to you. Even if you are familiar with these skills already, you will learn in-depth from professionals and, of course, meet new people. During this program you will learn essential skills that people use everyday in a 771 billion dollar industry.
Anybody is welcome to come and we are excited to be partnered with Fresh Films. To sign up, check out the QR codes posted throughout the buildingor visit the Fresh Films website. The group will meet every Thursday from 4-6:30, to teach kids the wonders of filmmaking.