Central Performs well at Quarterfinals

Alexzandrea Mohs

Central High School Band practice

Riley Miller, Writer

This year Central’s Marching Blue Devils have made it to Nationals! While they did not make it to semifinals, they did make it to quarterfinals. Everyone said that they had an amazing time just being there, watching the other bands, and getting time to hang out with friends. For a lot of them, this was their last year. So, speaking of how far the marching band has come, let’s see some of the interviews with the upperclassmen.

Joseph Christopherson, a junior, said he had a very positive experience at BOA. “My experience was very positive. I enjoyed the outlook of the marching band,” he says. “Whenever I’m at marching band I feel like I’m a ten.”  

How has he grown?

“I’d say I’ve gotten more confident in my leadership skills and my playing skills.” 

Nathan Kern, a senior, is the section leader of the baritones. He rated his experience well, saying, “My experience at BOA was amazing. It was awesome getting to lead the state, and head over to Indianapolis, and participate with so many huge bands. And to be included as a part of one of those 98 amazing bands.”

Nathan also commented on how he’s grown as a person.

“I remember when I first joined –  I was timid and nervous. I didn’t think I could do it, and be as good as the others there. But now, I’m a section leader, and being a section leader has taught me so much, like how to be a good leader, responsibility, for yourself, and for those around you.”

Next up was Natalie and Kirsten. When I interviewed them, they both had a lot of positive things to say about their experiences on the trip and competing. 

“It was so crazy. It was so much fun, though. I just had a good time performing, it doesn’t matter if we win or lose.” 

The next questions were about how their skills have grown, and whether or not marching band is a place for that. 

“I think it definitely is, the person I was in eighth grade is not the person I am today,” Kirsten commented. “I started playing the trumpet in marching band . . . people had helped me out a lot.” Natalie says.

The Marching Blue Devils’ members report that this is indeed a great extracurricular to take part of – though many of them don’t see it as just an extracurricular. To them it’s a place where they can meet amazing new people, improve their skills not only as individuals but as a whole band which is amazing. 


Everyone who wants to join is always going to be welcome.