Not in Vein: School’s Blood Drive Ends

Simone Hoogheem

More stories from Simone Hoogheem

Homecoming Court 2023
October 6, 2023
Not in Vein: School's Blood Drive Ends

Oliver Hoogheem

Central’s blood drive has once again wrapped up like the bandages decorating students’ arms. This time, the drive was held by Mrs. Dennis through ImpactLife. The drive was held in Grensing Fieldhouse, known affectionately to students as The Big Gym. Food and drinks were provided both during and after getting blood. Many of the nurses helping said that patients say that the finger pricking is worse than the needle for the blood. One student who donated to the blood drive, junior Savion Kuehn, said “It’s pretty cool that just one pint of my blood can help save three lives.”  Hopefully the next time the drive rolls around, more students will sign up and help to save people who might not have had a chance without our help.